Friends | Old and New

While out for dinner the other night, Jackie and I ran into an old friend from Gresham Park. It had been fifteen years since we had last seen one another and it was great catching up with her. We met her family and talked with she and her husband outside of the restaurant for a while. As we parted, we promised to stay in touch. Unlike so many similar encounters, I am sure we will follow up with one another.

I awoke the next morning and began to think about old friends from childhood and beyond. I grew up an only child. I lived in a community and neighborhood with lots of children either my age or close to it, both younger and older. I met people who would become lifelong friends. Having no siblings of my own, a few of those friends became as close as brothers and sisters. In our youth, it is easy to take friendships for granted. People will move in and out of our lives as time goes on. But as we get older, the bonds between friends become as strong as family, sometimes stronger. There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends who become family. And sometimes a friend will stick by you through times when family will not.

In the circle of life, we will lose friends, sometimes at an age much too young. This is something with which I am all too familiar. Some of these losses you never truly get over. The pain heals eventually, but the void is always there. And as we move into the later years of our lives, we begin to lose friends more and more often. The older I become, the more I cherish and value the friendships I am fortunate enough to have.  So while we have the opportunity, reach out and contact an old friend you may or may not have spoken with in a while. You’ll both be glad you did. The sad truth is that someday the opportunity will be gone. Don’t miss out on it.

9 thoughts on “Friends | Old and New

  1. Excellent as usual 🏆
    I appreciate your take on this and it is the truth.
    I just lost my first cousin Diann. We were the same age. We grew up close, heck she even dated Paul Presten! She moved to South Carolina and we lost touch. I decided to give her a call a month ago and she was recovering from surgery but doing OK. Then her daughter contacted me to tell me that she had passed ..
    Fairview gained another relative.

  2. This made my day – hand me a tissue please! I felt so loved when I ran into you and Jackie. In times like they are these days, I think we all are nostalgic for those chance encounters… Hope to have lunch with you guys and do some more catching up soon!

    1. Thanks, Nita! It was so great seeing y’all! Yes, we need to get together soon and take a stroll down Mary Lou Lane and Rollingwood! Love always, – J.

  3. As always Jimmy, (aka James) well said. I always enjoy anything you write without exception.

    As I also experienced a terrible loss just over nine months ago, it is a constant reminder that life is very short and the time that God allows us to spend with friends and loved ones should be cherished each and every day. I believe we all have an impact on those friends and family. My prayer is to draw nearer to the Lord.
    I love the words from Keb Mo. Check him out on YouTube.
    A Better Man!
    May God Bless you and yours.

  4. I loved this and it so true so HELLO everybody that is class of73 at Walker high school i

  5. I loved this and it so true so HELLO everybody that is class of73 at Walker high school i

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